COVID-19 Response
We are open! LSP is monitoring the situation in our local community and making decisions based on what is best of our school, students, staff and community. We are here for our families and staff and want the disruption in your daily lives to be as minimal as possible. We will use this page to post updated about school openings, closings, and recommendations for what to do to keep you and your family safe and healthy.
Concern about COVID-19 (coronavirus) has created a rapidly evolving environment where changes are being made quickly in the interest of public health. The World Health Organization has declared an international pandemic and almost all parts of our daily lives are being disrupted.
If you or anyone in your family believes they have been exposed to COVID-19, please let your school administrators know immediately. If you believe you are sick and need help, the CDC has recommendations for what to do.
The following strategies have been implemented in response to COVID-19.
- Temperature screening at the door for child drop-off and staff entering the building.
- The screener will additionally screen for the following. If any questions arise they may have additional questions. Entrance to the building shall be admitted if:
- The individual has not had a fever or cold and flu-like symptoms for 14 days.
- No member of this individuals household has had close contact or cared for someone with COVID-19 in the past 14 days.
- No member of this individual’s household is currently awaiting test results for COVID-19 or has tested positive for COVID-19.
- The individual has not had any fever-reducing medication in the past 24 hours.
- Faculty and staff who leave the building after being screened must report any changes to their health upon return.
- Faculty may exclude any child or staff member who exhibits any of the following: cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, or temperature greater than 100.4 degrees F or greater.
- Our normal exclusion of “24 hours fever free without fever suppressing medication” is being adjusted to “72 hours fever free without fever suppressing medication and without a confirmed diagnosis.” They must also have been excluded for 10 days following the onset of symptoms and their symptoms will have needed to improve.
- Children will be signed in and out by the administration, limiting contamination potential.
- Masks for the children are encouraged, but not mandatory.
- Additional measures being taken inside the school:
- Staggering playground times and as much fresh air as possible.
- Removing toys that are not easily cleaned from classrooms.
- Suspending any non-essential visits from members of the community, including enrollment tours.
- Temporarily suspending water play activities.
- Increasing health checks throughout the day.
- If a child or faculty member receives a positive result for COVID-19 testing, the local health department will be contacted and all guidance and instructions will be following. While awaiting guidance:
- All individuals with whom the COVID-19 positive tested person had contact within the 48 hours prior to the onset of their symptoms (regardless of when their diagnosis occurred), should be immediately notified and instructed to begin quarantine.
- If a member of the immediate family or household of a child, family or faculty is sick with any COVID-19 symptoms or awaiting test results, that child and faculty will be excluded from school until there is a negative test result or until 14 days after the family/household member’s undiagnosed symptoms.
- If a member of the immediate family or household of a child, family or faculty is confirmed positive with COVID-19, that family/household will be excluded from school until 14 days AFTER the person who was positive is released from their isolation.
- Exclude your child from Learn Smart Preschool if any family member has developed symptoms of COVID-19or has been exposed to someone who has been diagnosed. Isolation times should follow recommendations of the Health Department or CDC.
- Diligently watch for symptoms and adhere to the new exclusionary timeline changes stated above.
- Verify email and cell numbers for emergency communications.
- Inform us of ALL travel, domestic and international, to areas identified as high-risk locations by the CDC and NJ government officials.
How Learn Smart Preschool
Is Upgrading For The Future
Fresh paint has been applied to the interior of the building
Deep sanitation of the entire school including playground area daily
Stricter sanitation practices throughout the building
Improved communication through online apps
Added a Virtual learning program for elementary grades
How to Prepare Your Child to Come Back to School
- Show them pictures of people in masks and talk to them about wearing them.
- Talk to them about how drop-off and pick up will be different, and that they will get their temperature checked.
- Not all of friends and teachers will be coming back to school at the same time. Let your child know that they’ll still have friends and teachers they love at school, even if it’s not everyone.
- Try to make a game out of finding new things. Ask them to notice all the different ways the school looks and talk to them about it each night.
- Remember that this pandemic is hard on children, too. Returning to school may give them back some of the comfort they have missed. Try to listen and empathize when they have big feelings.